Uncertainties cost money as they accumulate at a facility where production is processed 24 hours a day. Some uncertainty is inherent with meter selection, calibration, and data polling, yet preventable errors occur with operator choices for sampling frequency and method as well as water cut determination methodology and tank inventory determinations.
Measurement error at a test separator or proration point must meet AER Directive 017 and Saskatchewan PNG 017 standards of accuracy. Both Directives prescribe a Root Sum Square calculation for estimating error in a measurement system. RSS error is determined from the square root of the sum of specified repeatability’s for each component and its calibration at a meter. Components include pressure and temperature devices associated with a meter.
More than 30 people work in a measurement process. Procedures, training, and attention to quality management all reduce preventable errors that contribute to system uncertainties.
I look forward to discussing how you can realize value with cost-effective compliance.
David Penton
Dapenco Inc.